Wednesday 29 June 2011

what happens sometime

listening to a foo fighters track called let it die.

im just typing this as it has just happened.  so i was in the cafe working as usual when i had the urged to rush to the bathroom when i encountered a family walking through the hallway. they were a(i think)a son, a girlfriend or a daughter and a mother(i wont tell you what race they were because it doesnt matter for we are all equal),the three were crowding as they walked through the hallway and i was rushing.the mother and the son were talking together and the daughter was silent walking behind them.i tried to slip past the mother because it was the biggest space i could go through.when i politely reached out my hand so i could past through and the mother and son stop talking to each other and stared for split second.i eventually had to stop walking and let them past through first.after a few second after the encounter the mother and son started talking again like they were king of the only saying this because i had to get to the bathroom in time so normally i wouldnt give a damn,well anyway what does that tell you?i mean the slogan of our country is "politeness is our coulture".sorry if this isnt worth reading but i am gonna do this blog according to what happens in my daily life so just live with it.

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